
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Dulce de Leche Rice Krispy Treats

Can we just talk about Pinterest for a second today?

Dulce de Leche Rice Krispy Treats

I feel like pinterest is a very polarizing site. I'm pretty sure it's the only place where I get images like this side by side:


How about if I eat my homemade ding dong while I am working out? Considering I have about 6 different pinterest boards dedicated solely to desserts and only one dedicated to exercise you can probably tell which pins usually take precedent. You know how there are those people who eat healthy so they don't have to work out? Then there are those people who work out so they can eat unhealthy? I take the best of both worlds by eating unhealthy and not working out. Win-win right?

Dulce de Leche Rice Krispy Treats

I need help. But, whatever, it's not like I can just get rid of all my dessert boards right? Of course not. So I will just have to suffer I guess. Anyhoo, today is a pinterest inspired post. I keep seeing Dulce de Leche everywhere lately. Anyone else? Or maybe it's always been around and I'm just noticing it more. At any rate I decided to try it in a rice krispy treat. These ones are good. Really good. I mean let's be honest, they are packed with Dulce de Leche... how can they not be good?! That carmelly sauce really amps up the goo factor , but somehow these treats still manage to hold together quite nicely. I don't know how... magic I guess. Anyways you should try these. Make them for your Easter buffet. Make them in preparation for Easter. Make them for no reason at all. I think the pictures speak for themselves. Yumo!

Dulce de Leche Rice Krispy Treats

Dulce de Leche Rice Krispy Treats

4 Tbsp butter
6 cups marshmallows 
3/4 cup Dulce de Leche (you can buy this or there's a recipe for a homemade version below)
1 tsp vanilla extract
6 cups rice krispies
more Dulce de Leche to drizzle on top

Pour the rice krispies in a large mixing bowl and set aside. Melt the butter and dulce de leche in a saucepan over low heat. Once melted add in the marshmallows. Stir until they are mostly all melted (this will take a few minutes--low and slow is key for perfect texture) then stir in the vanilla

Once fully melted, take them off heat and pour over the rice krispies. Stir lightly to combine, then dump into a greased 9x9 pan. Allow to cool 5 minutes, then press into pan with greased hands. Allow to fully cool another 30 min then drizzle with leftover Dulce de Leche. Enjoy! 

Dulce de Leche Rice Krispy Treats

Homemade Dulce de Leche

2 cans sweetened condensed milk

Remove the label from the cans of sweetened condensed milk and place them on their sides in a crockpot. Fill the crockpot with water so the cans are covered by at least an inch. Cook them on low for 8 hours. When done, let the cans cool Completely to room temperature before opening (otherwise I've heard they explode. So unless you want a science experiment...)

**Note: Eagle Brand does not recommend heating the milk in the can... but I like to live on the edge so I did it and it turned out fine. If you are worried about this though you could first pour the sweetened condensed milk into 3 1/2-pint sized jars, then do everything else the same way. 


  1. Only 6 boards? That's impressive. I stopped counting at 30.

    I've never had dulce de leche. Why? I have no idea. I must try it!

    1. Ha ha, you're a pinterest champion Dorothy! And yes, you need to try dulce de leche... it's a must

  2. I was just looking at this and my husband walked by and said "ARE YOU MAKING THAT!?" Guess I'm going to try now!


  3. Yea! Dulce De Leche anything is a good idea! :)

  4. Yummy! I bet these are fantastic! Thanks so much for sharing at Marvelous Mondays! Pinning and sharing on my Facebook page. :)

    Julie @ This Gal Cooks

  5. Summer, I love dulce de leche anything, so these are being made ASAP! Your photography is just beautiful.

    I see I have stumbled upon the mother lode of rice krispie treat recipes, so I am going to go browse your blog a little more. :) I am now following you on FB (Yesterfood and Joy) and Pinterest!

    Joy @

    1. Thanks Joy! I guess this is the motherload of rice kripies ;) Thanks for following!

  6. Adding dulce de leche sounds amazing! I bet they are wonderfully gooey! I'm one of those people who works out like maniac to eat . . . and I still can't eat everything I want :(

    1. At least you work out - that's better than most! :)

  7. Holy wow! Those look fantastic! Thanks for partying with us at Time To Sparkle!

  8. Just made these as a present & they were absolutely delicious! I had to steal one...just to make sure they were good enough to gift. ;) I added a little sea salt to the top as well which I think set off the sweetness perfectly.

    Side note: I threw caution to the wind & also used the cans in the slow cooker. While the dulce de leche was beautiful, there are now a few tiny rust spots on the bottom of my slow cooker from the cans. I'm hoping with more scrubbing I can remove them, but am not sure. The cans were not rusty or dented to begin with, but I guess that long water bath was too much. Totally worth it though!


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