
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Muddy Buddy Rice Krispy Treats

So I've gotten a few requests for Muddy Buddy/Puppy Chow treats and let me just say it makes me so happy that there are other peanut butter and chocolate fiends out there. So what could I do but make some?

Mallow and Co: Muddy Buddy Rice Krispy Treats

In the beginning I had some issues with how to approach these treats. I mean I could just put peanut butter and chocolate directly into the treats, then top it off with powdered sugar. But is that really authentic to a Muddy Buddy? Maybe I should make plain rice krispy treats, then cover them in melted chocolate and pb, and then toss them in powdered sugar. That's about as authentic as you can get. Scratch the whole idea and just go dig into a jar of peanut butter?... So many options. Have I ever told you I hate making decisions?

I went with a hybrid approach. I put the peanut butter and chocolate into the treats, cut them up into bites sized squares, and rolled those into powdered sugar. Boom. Did done.

Mallow and Co: Muddy Buddy Rice Krispy Treats

Oh and also, I have a public service announcement to make: 
Have any of you made your own powdered sugar before? I mean I've been a fan of making my own brown sugar for awhile, but I have yet to attempt the powdered sugar version I've seen floating around for a bit now. Because realistically I don't use powdered sugar that often. Unless it happens to be smothering a donut. In that case I inhale powdered sugar. Anyhoo, today I happened to be out of it, and I was too lazy to go to the store--perfect chance to try making my own. Well guess what folks, it worked! I mean seriously I'm the queen of trying all those pinterest ideas (make your own laundry detergent, facial scrub, soap, paint, yarn...) and they always fail. So I really didn't have high hopes for this one. But it worked like a charm! I'm never buying powdered sugar again!
This has been a public service announcement.

Mallow and Co: Muddy Buddy Rice Krispy Treats

Back to these Muddy Buddies. Peanut Buttery Chocolate yummyness to the max. I made the rice krispies a little extra gooey so that the powdered sugar would have something to really stick to. Because I definitely don't want to let any of that goodness fall off. Um can you say delicious? These treats are where it's at. So next time you get that pb chocolate craving, try these ones out - you can thank me later! ;)

Mallow and Co: Muddy Buddy Rice Krispy Treats

Muddy Buddy Rice Krispy Treats

5 Tbsp butter
3/4 cup chocolate chips
3/4 cup peanut butter
6 cups marshmallows
1 tsp vanilla
6 cups rice krispies
2 cups powdered sugar

Pour the rice krispies in a large mixing bowl. Set aside. Stir together the butter, peanut butter, and chocolate chips in a saucepan over medium heat until they are all happily melted together. Turn the heat down to low and add the marshmallows and vanilla extract. Continuing stirring until the marshmallows are all melted.

Once fully melted, take them off heat and pour over the rice krispies. Stir lightly to combine. Dump into a lightly greased 9x13 pan and let sit 5 minutes. Then go and lightly press into the pan with greased hands. Put this in the fridge to harden for about 20 minutes. (they are easier to cut when they are a little cold)

Pour your powdered sugar in a bowl and pull out your cooled treats. Cut them up in into 1 inch bite sized pieces, then roll them around in the powdered sugar. They should be nicely coated and you should have a lovely mess of powdered sugar all over your counter. Or maybe that was just me. Enjoy!
(Note: you can also put your powdered sugar in a large ziploc and throw your treats in with them. Shake Shake Shake! And wha-la! Although this does eliminate the fun of getting powdered sugar all over yourself)


  1. Summer, I'll take 20 of these!! :)

  2. These look ah-mazing! I am so pinning and going to make soon! Yum!

    It's Always Ruetten

  3. You can make your own powdered sugar????? OMG.

    These treats are seriously blowing my mind. Seriously.

  4. Muddy buddies are kinda my favorite thing on earth! I actually just posted another version on my blog. Turning them into Rice Krispies treats is seriously genius!

    1. Oh my gosh, those fluffernutter ones look awesome!!! And seriously, what' not to love about Muddy Buddies?!?


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