
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Pina Colada Rice Krispy Treats

Can I be honest with you guys? I have this internal love/hate relationship with comments on my blog.

Mallow and Co: Pina Colada Rice Krispy Treats

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love then, Love Them. But every time I open my email and see that I have a new comment, I get this miniature anxiety attack. Like that feeling right before you walk up onto a stage. What if someone says how much they hated my treats? Or says that the recipe turned out terrible? Or maybe that I said something offensive? Or who knows!?! It could be anything!!!!

Irrational? Yes... I am getting better though. I'm pretty sure my first comment almost gave me an ulcer. Now I'm down to just butterflies in my stomach. Progress. But don't stop the comments. They're helping me grow :)

Mallow and Co: Pina Colada Rice Krispy Treats
Mallow and Co: Pina Colada Rice Krispy Treats

Ok enough chit chat. On to the flavor of the day: Pina Colada... I'm pretty sure I will never be able to think of this again without singing "If you like pina coladas, and getting caught in the rain..." Thank you Shrek. Anyways, today I give you the rice krispy treat version of this tropical flavor.

So probably the best part about these treats is that Kraft does all the work for you with their Pina Colada Marshmallows. These things have the tropical flavor built right in them! A pineappley fruity flavor! Then, just to finish the job right, they covered them up with toasted coconut. Can life get better!? All you got to do it's melt some of these up with done rice krispies and boom, you're done!

Mallow and Co: Pina Colada Rice Krispy Treats

Pina Colada Rice Krispy Treats

4 Tbsp butter
5 cups Pina Colada flavored marshmallows
1 tsp vanilla
5 cups rice krispies

Pour the rice krispies in a large mixing bowl. Set aside. Melt the butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Turn the heat down to the lowest setting and add the marshmallows and vanilla extract. Continuing stirring until the marshmallows are all melted.

Once fully melted, take them off heat and pour over the rice krispies. Stir lightly to combine. Dump into a lightly greased 9x9 pan and let sit 5 minutes. Then go and light press into the pan with greased hands.  Allow them to cool and set about 20 minutes.

Mallow and Co: Pina Colada Rice Krispy Treats


  1. I just tried those marshmallows and they are soooo good! And as for the slowly gets easier. Most of the time :-)

  2. I know exactly how you feel with the comment thing. I'm always afraid someone will point out a mistake I missed or say they tried the recipe and it didn't work. Ahhh! It hasn't happened yet, though, knock on wood

  3. Where can I find flavored marshmallows? I live in the Nations Capitol and never seen any other flavor other than chocolate and vanilla flavored.

    1. Walmart has always been my best bet. They are more of a summer flavor though I think


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