
Monday, January 7, 2013

Top 12 Moments of 2012 and a *Giveaway*

Rice Krispy Treats

So I feel like Mallow and Co hasn't been around long enough to do a Top 12 Recipes of 2012 like everyone else. Which is kind of a bummer because I love all those round ups. But since I want to be a part of the in-crowd too, I've decided to do a version of the top 12 of 2012 with a twist... I give you the Top 12 Most Memorable Moments of Mallow and Co in 2012:

blog headers
1.) Creating my first blog header: I spent approx. 2 hours one night trying to resize my "customized" header so that it fit. I'm pretty sure I uploaded at least 13 different versions of the stupid thing before I got it right (on the bright size, I am now the master of image pixels vs. dpi vs.image inches)

2.) Hello Neighbor: Staging a rice krispy photo shoot in my upstairs window (it gets the best light), only to see my neighbor staring at me after 15 minutes of picture taking... "Oh hello neighbor, yes I frequently do personal photo sessions with my food... in my daughter's bedroom window." I'm pretty sure they've placed child's services on speed dial just in case.

3.) Rice Krispies for All: I was opening a Jumbo size bag of Malt-o-Meal rice krispies one day and decided it would be a good idea to spill 3/4ths of it onto my floor. (#iwishihadadog, #orarobotvacuum) I'm still finding cereal pieces in random nooks and crannies...

posting date4.) Blog Posting 101: The night I spent an hour angrily scouring help forums about why my newest recipe wasn't posting... only to figure out I had set the "publish date" for 2013 instead of 2012... I hate technology.

5.) First Tastespotting Acceptance: So proud. I felt like I'd just been admitted to the Cool Kids Club.

6.) My Daughter's Close Call with the ER: The time I almost raced my daughter to the ER because her mouth was turning a strange purplishish/black color. It wasn't until I strapped her into the carseat that I realized I'd given her a taste of my "Coal" Rice Krispy Treats... which had black food coloring in them.

7.) Marshmallow Blowout Sale: My local grocery store had one of those "Buy 10 Items get $5 Off" sales one week. I'm not sure whose face was better, the cashier's or my husband's when I came out with 10 bags of marshmallows...

8.) First Blog Comment: Pure elation when I got an email saying I'd gotten my first blog comment! Only to check and realize it was the "test" comment I had written about 20 minutes earlier. (#ouch #kickthedogwhenitsalreadydown)

homemade caramel
9.) Battle of the Caramel: Deciding to go all out and make homemade caramel for my caramel apple treats. Then finally resorting to the Kraft Caramels 2 hours later. (Note to self: buy a candy thermometer)

10.) After Halloween Candy Sales: Finding the hidden stash of candy sales at my local grocery store after my Walmart disappointment. Pure Joy.

11.) Spreadsheet Overkill: Working up an excel spreadsheet to plot out the perfect marshmallow/butter/rice krispy ratios and percentages. And being totally proud of it. #nerdalert #majornerdalert

12.) Tackling the Taste-testing Solo: The weeks my husband decided to go on a health kick and left me to taste test all my rice krispies alone. Simultaneously the best and worst thing that's ever happened to me. I think the 10lbs he lost took up residence in my body.

Whew! As you can see it was a good year. Lots of learning experiences... And to commemorate this I've decided to do a giveaway! Yea!

Rice Krispy Treat Starter Kit Giveaway

This starter kit includes: a box of your basic Rice Krispies and a box of Cocoa Krispies. Some of my favorite Kraft marshmallow flavors including Chocolate Royale and Cinnamon Bun! And some extra flavor mix-ins like pudding mixes, candies., really pump up those treats! Whoo Hoo!

There are 4 ways to enter:
1.) Leave a comment below telling me your favorite rice krispy treat flavor
2.) Like Mallow and Co on Facebook (then leave me a comment telling me you've done so)
3.) Follow Mallow and Co's Pinterest Board (then leave me a comment telling me you've done so)
4.) Follow Mallow and Co's RSS Feed (then leave me a comment telling me you've done so)

So you can have up to 4 possible entries!  Enter now through Wednesday, January 16th. (closed) will be picking the winner and I will announce their name then!!!

Whoo Hoo! Yea for every one that entered! You definitely had good odds ;) But has chosen and the number is.... 12! Kelly! Now I just need your email :) Send it to me through my Contact Form and I can send you your Rice Krispy Treats Kit!!! 


  1. Peanut Butter rice crispy treats for sure!!! Yum!

  2. I just recently made a rice krispie batch with peanut butter and chocolate chips..mmm were those ever good!!! :)

  3. What a fun post to read! Loved hearing about your 2012 year :-) Already following on Facebook & Pinterest! And I'm a chocolate chip rice krispy kind of girl.

    I hope you don't mind... but I pinned your giveaway image above and put it on my dessert board with the direct link to this post and the deadline date so that others can enter too :-)

    Shauna {The Best Blog Recipes}

  4. I like the kind they made in school, peanut butter rice crispies with chocolate on top. We don't have rice crispies or plain white marshmallows in Greece, you might not want to ship here but I couldn't resist entering in the giveaway.

  5. The best? Any that are scratch made - that's for sure!!

  6. Peanut Butter cup rice Krispy treats.

  7. I love the classic topped with dk chocolate chips and a drizzle of almond butter!

  8. I like your midnight truffle! Very delicious.

  9. Well . . . I haven't tried them yet but am already dreaming of the orea rice krispy treats! . . . and I'm not even asleep yet!!! ;) Love your blog for all the divine recipes . . . and for the fact that you settled my rice "krispie" vs. "krispy" battle that I've always had within myself. The 'y' spelling really does look the best.

    1. Seriously I know what you mean! And then there's the whole debate of krispy or crispy?... :)

  10. To eat as cereal I love cocoa krispies, but for treats I like the original.

  11. I follow you on fb as Tabitha Swain Klucking. Thanks!

  12. I follow you on pinterest as Tabitha Swain Klucking.

  13. Am I too late? :) I love mixing chocolate chips in with my rice krispies! Yum-o

  14. Peanut butter rice krispie treats are a family favorite Am I too late?? I am new at using the computer and do not know how to send my address


Tell me what you think! I love to hear from you!